Joe Matthews
Well on Friday straight after my PE exam my mum and dad took me across to Redcar for the first BKSA tour. On the Saturday we woke up to little wind and it was not looking very good, then it picked up a little in the afternoon and a few of us headed out for a session. It wasn't amazing not really enough to compete but nice little 10 minute slots where it was nice to get a few tricks in. Then finally on the Sunday again there was little wind but looking forward to the next event and lets hope there is more wind!! 
Hey guys, 

Just thought I'd pop a post to tell you all about the youth empire! It's basically a website site kiteboarder aged between 10 and 18 can sign up for and can share tips, video, pictures and generally have a chat. It also lets you know about all the different kite related events all around the world so you can pop along to check out of be part of the action. If your interest just type it in on google and check it out! 

Redcar is very soon and I've got a few new tricks up my sleeve so lets just wait and see what kind of results I can get! 

Stay tuned! 
Joe M